
Our commitment to equality, fairness, and transparency

We're committed to long-term change. That is why we have implemented several steps to improve diversity in our business.


The Black Lives Matter movement has drawn significant public attention to the unfortunate reality that systemic racism is still all too prevalent within society.

This year, the Future Platforms team has been reflecting on the impact and social implications of the movement.

Like many other companies, we strongly reaffirm our opposition to racism in all forms. But, we also recognise that the tech industry, like many others, must take more action to improve diversity across the board.

With that in mind, we have reviewed what steps we can take now to further improve diversity across our business and, as a result, we are committing to:

  1. Implement improved diversity-focused hiring policies and processes to ensure representation from a broad candidate base, while also continuing to remove unconscious bias from any decision-making processes.
  2. Develop a best-in-class progression framework to advance minorities through the company at every level.
  3. Finding new ways to support local schemes that promote minorities within the technology industry.
  4. Furthering the diversity education of employees through research, resources, and training to ensure we are proactive in facing key issues.

We are committed to making these long-term improvements to continue to foster inclusion, diversity, and further support minorities to thrive in our business and in the design and technology industry.