
Meet the Team: UX Designer, Issy

In this month's Meet the Team we get to know Issy, one of our UX Designers.

UX Designer - Issy

Our design team is integral to ensuring our clients’ work is intuitive, solves common user frustrations, addresses users' needs, and looks great too! 

Today, we chatted to one of our designers, Issy Everett, to get to know her a little better and find out more about her role at Future Platforms.

What do you do at Future Platforms and what is your favourite part about your role?

I’m a UX designer, which essentially means I help design how our products look and function. A lot of our job as designers is to give users a product they understand, and that’s what I really enjoy; ensuring that what we do is what users would expect. The thing I get most frustrated with in life is badly-designed technology; so my aim is to never make any of our clients frustrated by providing them with clean, functional designs.

Tell us a bit about your journey and how you got here:

I’m probably the youngest member of staff here at Future Platforms, so I don’t quite have as rich of a backstory as other people…I started at Future Platforms two weeks before I graduated from the University of Leeds – so now I’ve gained a First Class Honours in Product Design (Industrial) BSc, as well as a new job!

What projects are you most excited to work on and why?

Luckily, I’ve already been able to work on our two biggest projects – First Bus and First Rail. I know we’ve got some more exciting projects coming up as well, so I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into some fresh new design work.

What/who inspires you?

I’m inspired by anyone who is actively creating change. As a designer, I’d love to be able to use my design problem-solving skills for the greater good. There are lots of great, live innovation challenges at OpenIDEO, such as improving immunisation coverage using technology – definitely a great platform for anyone who wants to get involved with social change.

Finally, what would your superpower be?

Perfect pitch. That, or being able to understand the shipping forecast. Both exceptionally niche superpowers!